Acceptable Usage Policy

The acceptable usage policy describes the activities that are allowed and not allowed in connection with your use of the KIRIM.EMAIL service. 

Email marketing is a team game activity. It means that you (as a user) are also part of the team. Therefore, this policy applies not only to certain people but to all those in the teams. Thus, this policy will govern some or all of the email sending activity.

All email sending activities must be accounted for by users who use the KIRIM.EMAIL service. Some things that are categorized as suspicious actions will be taken decisively by KIRIM.EMAIL.

The networks and systems used by KIRIM. EMAIL is for lawful purposes only. All data transmission, distribution, and storage are under applicable policies. KIRIM.EMAIL also complies with the GDPR policy and the CAN-SPAM ACT.

Here are the following activities:

Email Content

  • You are prohibited from sending emails containing ethnicity, religion, race, intergroup, pornography, and other actions that may offend some groups.
  • Publish any violent content, incites violence, or other things that are not good in society.
  • Defamation, invasion of privacy, and other fraudulent matters.
  • Insurance products, buying and selling crypto, stock, or trading in any form and type are not allowed activities.

Email Delivery Policy

  • If you are a new user, we recommend you send a maximum 150,000 emails per day. These include marketing email and transactional email combined.
  • This number will increase as your email engagement and sender reputation increase.
  • KIRIM.EMAIL reserves the right to limit sending emails to new users.
  •  KIRIM. EMAIL also reserves the right to restrict your account and stop sending emails if we find suspicious behavior during an investigation. However, there has been no decision on whether you violated the existing policies.
  • Accounts that are proven to have committed a violation cannot be refunded. KIRIM. EMAIL will cooperate if required for investigation by the authorities.
  • Ensure your email “From,” “Return to,” or “Reply to” (as the sender) addresses are valid:
  • You must be able to receive an email at the address.
  • Email addresses that do not accept mail, bounce, or are “no-reply” do not qualify.
  • The email server you use for your incoming mail must accept “mailer-daemon” (delivery status) messages so we can notify you of any delivery problem.

Subscribers Policy

  • You must ensure that all people you send to are entirely “opt-in,” have consented to receive emails from you, and are therefore acknowledged that you may be sending them an email.
  • You may not use software or companies that automatically generate email lists by retrieving email addresses from websites, forums, or email correspondence.
  • You must be able to verify when and where each contact subscribed directly.
  • Your maximum subscribers limit is based on the number of your email credits. KIRIM.EMAIL can limit the number of subscribers to new users and see anything suspicious about your list activities. 
  • We will monitor your account if you’re: Uploading vast amounts of subscribers in short periods, importing and deleting same lists repeatedly, high unvalidated and dead email addresses, etc. 
  • We will potentially freeze your account for further investigation.

Transactional Email

It is one of the services from KIRIM.EMAIL allows you to send transactional emails, such as registration emails and purchase notification emails from your system or platform.

a. What is required to use the transactional email from KIRIM.EMAIL?

  • Domain address with DNS Manager.
  • Email address with your domain.
  • Active account at KIRIM.EMAIL.
  • Read the API documentation.

b. Authentication, Validation, and Configuration

If you are DMARC compliant, then you need to use SPF. In this case, KIRIM.EMAIL supports the use of SPF. You also need DKIM records on the domains you add so your email delivery remains good.

KIRIM.EMAIL also allows you to create a personal SMTP relay for use with existing SMTP client software, including software you develop yourself or third-party software that can send email using the SMTP protocol.

Something Else (miscellaneous)

  •  Use all the features in KIRIM.EMAIL wisely and within reasonable limits. These include (but are not limited to):
  1. Number of invited teams
  2. Number of sending emails
  3. Number of landing pages
  4. Import and delete contacts redundant
  • In the future, if we find suspicious activity in the use of these features, KIRIM.EMAIL reserves the right to freeze your account for investigation.
  • Trading or renting your KIRIM.EMAIL accounts are strictly prohibited from, of  In addition,  other parties.
  • Make sure you use the KIRIM.EMAIL service and system wisely, and we will take action against you if you abuse our system and Network in general.

At any time and without notice, we may remove material and suspend or terminate your account or your access to the KIRIM.EMAIL Service if you engage in activities that violate the letter or spirit of this AUP.

KIRIM.EMAIL has the right, but not the obligation, to investigate your material and usage of the service to comply with this AUP and Terms of Service or any other agreement between you and KIRIM.EMAIL that governs your use of the services (collectively, the “Terms”). Our determination of whether this AUP violation has occurred is final and binding. Any action taken in connection with the enforcement of this AUP, including taking no action at all, will be at our sole discretion.

KIRIM.EMAIL may modify this AUP, including the restricted items list, at any time by posting the revised version. By continuing to use the service or accessing your account after a modified version of AUP has been posted at (, you agree to comply with the latest version of AUP. If there is a conflict between the AUP and the terms, this AUP will take precedence, but only to the extent requested to resolve the dispute.

If you feel that a service user has violated this AUP, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].