In this article, We would like to talk about the theory of Communication Business Ethics.
Not only for entrepreneur, but you as a college student can also read this article and apply it. It’ll help you to increase your communication business ethics so that you won’t feel strange when you already work in a company.
Definition of Communication Business Ethics
The most important thing is about ethics. Ethics itself is a standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. If this applied to communication and business, the understanding of communication business ethics is a human view of the good and bad behavior in establishing communication to one or more people in business.
The Importance of Communication Business Ethics
If you are an entrepreneur, you must understand about business communication ethic. Because there are quite of entrepreneurs out there who don’t understand the communication business ethics. So that in communicating they prioritize their own ego rather than prioritizing ethics.
The example of this violation of business communication ethics is spamming. Spam is a violation of ethics in the internet. Most of spam is commercial advertising, often in the form of dubious products, get-rich-quick guarantees, or other services deemed legal.
Therefore, we create this article as a reference for entrepreneurs to know more about business communication ethics. You can immediately apply to the business that you are currently run.
Scope of Communication Business Ethics
In this article, there are several scope of business communication ethics that we’ll explain. We chose some of scope that are familiar to you as an entrepreneur. The scope includes:
[1] Communication Business Ethics by Phone Call
[2] Communication Business Ethics by Email
[3] Communication Business Ethics by Instant Message (Chatting)
[4] Communication Business Ethics by Skype or Video Call
Communication Business Ethics by Phone Call

Here are some examples of communication business ethics practices by Phone:
- Pay attention to your voice when talking on the phone. Don’t be so quiet and make the person you’re talking to can’t hear your voice, and don’t be so loud that it annoys those around you.
- When you’re in a meeting, make sure your phone is off or on silent and don’t answer incoming calls during the meeting. If the incoming call is from important person, pick up the phone and focus on your meeting. When they hear you in a meeting situation, they’ll notice it and immediately hang up.
- Do not place your phone on the table during a meeting. It can disturb your concentration during the meeting.
- Say “Sorry?” or “Pardon me? instead of “What?” when you do not clearly hear the voice of the person you are talking to on the phone.
- When you chewing the food and are forced to take the call, finish your food first and don’t let yourself be chewing while talking up the phone.
Communication Business Ethics by Email

Here are some examples of communication business ethics by Email:
- Use a professional email address with your own domain. You can’t use free email addresses like or or in business. In addition, use your name as an email address. For example, like [email protected]
- Reply emails as soon as possible. Don’t let they wait too long for receive respond from you.
- Be careful with the punctuation, especially the exclamation mark (!). You can use exclamation mark only to express the joy.
- Avoid use capital letters in all sentence.
- Write an easy-to-understand email subject.
- Start your email with a greeting, such as: Hi, Hello, or Dear.
- Avoid typos or grammatical errors in your business emails. Always do the double check before click send button.
- Avoid using emoticons in your business emails.
- Use standard fonts.
- When you know the name of the recipient of your email, mention his name in your email, such as: Mr. Alex, Mrs. Diana, etc.
- If you send an attachment to your email, provide an appropriate title for the file. Avoid an attachment in Zip or RAR form. The goal is the receiver can immediately read the attachments without having to extract them first.
Communication Business Ethics by Instant Message (Chatting)
Here are some examples of communication business ethics by Instant message (chatting):
- If you’ve never met your chat partner, introduce yourself in a polite way.
- Start with greetings such as: hi, halo and so on.
- For business, keep conversations short. If you want to extend the conversation you can use another platform.
- Don’t send bad news by instant messaging.
- Never contact people with “away” or “busy” status in their instant message. Respect their privacy.
- End the conversation with a thank you.
Communication Business Ethics by Skype or Video Call
Here are some examples of communication business ethics by Skype or Video Call:
- Focus on your monitor and camera. With that is like make an eye contact with partner out there. Even though you are separated by distance and time, it is like talking face to face for you.
- Don’t move too much. This aims to avoid unclear images especially when the connection is not smooth.
There are the practices of business communication ethics that entrepreneur must know. Thank you and see you in the next article.