Why are role-based email addresses blocked from being imported by KIRIM.EMAIL?

There are several reasons why KIRIM.EMAIL blocks emails when you perform an Import activity:

  • The email address is already globally blocked.
  • The email address is associated with a domain that has had previous issues.
  • The email address has been reported by the owner as never having subscribed before.
  • The email address is a role-based email.

What is a Role-Based Email?

A specific person does not own a role-based email but rather a distribution email used by a group of people, such as several people working for the same department or company. They are not intended for personal use.

Usually, role-based emails are used by companies to identify certain jobs or departments within the company.

Examples of Role-Based Email

Below are examples of role-based email:

abuse@’, ‘accounting@’, ‘admin@’, ‘admissions@’, ‘all@’, ‘billing@’, ‘booking@’, ‘careers@’, ‘contact@’, ‘contact-us@’, ‘corp@’, ‘customerservice@’, ‘custserv@’, ‘editor@’, ‘everyone@’, ‘finance@’, ‘feedback@’, ‘ftp@’, ‘info@’, ‘information@’, ‘investorrelations@’, ‘jobs@’, ‘help@’, ‘helpdesk@’, ‘hostmaster@’, ‘mail@’, ‘marketing@’, ‘media@’, ‘news@’, ‘noc@’, ‘no-reply@’, ‘noreply@’, ‘office@’, ‘ops@’, ‘postmaster@’, ‘privacy@’, ‘remove@’, ‘request@’, ‘resumes@’, ‘root@’, ‘sales@’, ‘security@’, ‘spam@’, ‘subscribe@’, ‘support@’, ‘test@’, ‘usenet@’, ‘users@’, ‘uucp@’, ‘webmaster@’, ‘www@’

Actually, there are many other roles that I cannot list all of them, but at least you can get an idea of what a role-based email is.

Why can’t I import Role-Based Email?

Simply put, KIRIM.EMAIL blocks these email addresses from being added to your account as contacts/subscribers because sending emails to these addresses can result in a lot of spam complaints.

Role-based emails tend to be used for cold email activities, which go against email marketing rules everywhere.

Role-based email addresses are usually found on website pages such as “Contact Us” or other info pages. Because more than one person uses these emails, sometimes the person who registers on your contact list using that email address is not the same as the person who receives the message, so spam reports are high.

For example:

Let’s say Levy, Eren, and Armin are the people who handle emails at their company, such as [email protected]. When Levy registers as a contact on your list using that email address, Eren and Armin do not know why they have to receive the email message that you send, so Sayuti or Intan will automatically report your email as spam.

Emails that are reported as spam damage your email reputation and also damage the KIRIM.EMAIL system. The damage to your email reputation will decrease your open rate, which can lower the success of the campaigns you send.

We hope this explanation helps you. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at [email protected]

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