In the last couple of days, some of Kerjamail and KIRIM.EMAIL customers can’t send emails from both platforms.
Even if you can deliver your email, the deliverability is not so good, that your email probably will go straight to spam.
This, of course, got us blacklisted on some of the spam organizations, including Spamhaus.
Not all customers experience drops in deliverability, but if you are one of the people that experience it, here’s what happens.
Series of unfortunate events
There’s an attack
This is the main reason for the deliverability problem. Started in Kerjamail, and later spread to KIRIM.EMAIL.
The attacker got access to one of our main sender pools and used it to send email spam everywhere. But from what we have investigated so far, there is no data breach in your inbox. So your inbox is perfectly safe. No one can read your emails.
But I encourage you to reset your password immediately, and we already sent an email reminder yesterday. So please stop reading this post and change your password.
Buy & sell accounts
We are aware of the small amount of Kerjamail and KIRIM.EMAIL customers sell their accounts to third parties even though it’s against our terms of service.
Of course, if we find out about it, the account will be blocked immediately. But some people get through and manage to sell their accounts to (unfortunately) spammers.
Email warm-up services
Some email warm-up sends their email directly to Spamtrap emails from Spamhaus.
Why? I don’t know.
Spamhaus give us detailed email subjects from our blacklisted IPs, and those subjects are directly from some new ai generated email warm-up service.
Email warm-up is important, we’re using it too, but please use an established email warm-up company.
We’ve blocked some warm-up services. So if you can’t connect your warm-up to Kerjamail or KIRIM.EMAIL, it’s probably because of this.
What we’ve done so far
Some of our IPs have already get delisted from Spamhaus, and we will keep trying to delist everything and return the deliverability back to normal.

What to do next?
Besides password reset?
Please read our terms carefully, and choose credible email services, especially warm-up tools, to avoid account blockage.
I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have anything to ask, please send mail to [email protected].
Thank you.