5 Content Types That Can Increase Your Facebook Engagement

Nowadays, there are many online shops that sell using a personal Facebook account. Used a personal Facebook account get many benefits, besides being free, you can also get closer to potential buyers. So, when closeness and trust are built, it will be easier for you.

Online shop owners can also stalk potential buyers if they sell through a personal Facebook account. Like their birthday, their job, what they complain about, etc. This makes it easy to build interaction with buyers.

However, there are also many owners whose timelines are filled with the products they are sells. This is what makes the engagement of your account go down. Uploads the product with great copywriting, but get minimal response, and get a few comments. If this still continues, your online shop will be abandoned.

But don’t worry, we have the solution for you, 5 Types Content That Can Increase Your Facebook Engagement. What are the 5 types of content? Take your time to read the article.

5 Types Content That Can Increase Your Facebook Engagement

Entertaining/ Funny Content

What you need to know is people love to enjoy “me time”. So if you sell on a personal Facebook account and just post about the product, you will be left behind.
So you need various of content. Content that is entertaining or funny is the right content to build interaction with your potential buyers on Facebook.

There is a quote from Buffer from this point:

Content that entertains is often funny, frequently highly shareable, and often is able to quickly transform a “company” into a “group of people just like me.”

Some of the content that classify into this category are:

  • Jokes
  • Nostalgic Story
  • Giveaway
  • Quiz
  • Comic

Hannah Smith of Distilled, an online marketing agency based in London, said:

Content created to entertain may not be directly related to your product/service, but in order to gain engagement, content must be of interest to your target market.

Content to Inspire

Is inspiration contagious? It can happen when done right, when something you publish resonates with so many people so quickly that they can’t help but spread it.

Inspirational quotes are always popular. But that is only one example. Inspiration also doesn’t have to be a quote on an image.

There is a quotes from Buffer that:

The best types of inspiration often come in the form of case studies, customer testimonials, and stories of failures and challenges that successful people have faced over the years.

The others content that still include in content to inspire:

  • The greatest trivia/facts
  • Images that affect the emotions
  • Success stories from famous people

Content to Educate

Selling on social media needed personal branding and authority. Building educational content is actually a process of shaping your personal branding and authority.

The conditions must be consistent and relevant. If you sell fashion products, then post educational content related to fashion. If you sell herbal products, then post educational content related to natural treatment.

Don’t let your account discuss business when you are selling the household products. It’s not relevant. The benefits will be felt in the long run. Make your target market feels your expertise, they will be willing to invest even more in the products you sell!

Here are the examples of educational content that you can use to increase your engagement:

  • Links to your blog and others that are still relevant to the products
  • Tips and tricks
  • Research data
  • Free resources such as tutorials and strategies in e-book form
  • Answers to the most frequently questions
  • Case study
  • Live streaming or webinars

Content to Conversation

Don’t think that you can post whatever content because you have a lot of friends and followers list. There is a time when you should listen to your friends on Facebook.

The best way is, talk to your friends on Facebook. For example, you post a photo of the National Monument in Jakarta. You can ask them, have they ever visited there? what do they think about National Monument? And something like that.

In addition, you can give the form of questions, there is some content that can increase the engagement of your Facebook account:

  • Polling
  • Asking for advice
  • Write “Caption this” into the content.

Content to Promote

Finally, here’s the content you’ve been waiting for! Before you do the promotions on social media, there are several things you should know:

· Don’t start to sell before posting the 4 things content above. If you update your status 5 times a day, you only have 1 post for sale.
· Don’t be hard selling. Always remember that: people will shop as they wish
· Always use soft selling with copywriting or covert selling techniques. So, the people will feel you are offering them.

Here are the examples of promotional content to increase your Facebook engagement:

  • Free product for those who register their email
  • Products and Services
  • Client testimonials
  • Discount

Those are 5 types of content that can increase your Facebook engagement. The type above can be applied to Facebook Pages. In the internet marketing, we know the term that content is king.

So no matter how good you are on promotion technique or bringing the visitors on your page, but if the content is not relevant, it will make your business abandoned.

Please share this article on your social media accounts so that your friends can also get the benefits.

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